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Asset Factory partnership | High quality, clear-cut product photography
August 12, 2020

As an eCommerce specialist, we frequently get asked what the best way is to get high-quality images of products. We’ve found the answer: Asset Factory
As we know here at Moustache Republic, a user-friendly, well-designed website is one way to encourage a buying habit on your website but utilising professional imagery to sell the product is another important tool in your ECommerce website’s belt.
Asset Factory are specialists in eCommerce and social media imagery. Their photography studio has these state-of-the-art machines that create clear cut, high-quality images in seconds. DIY or drop and run, they offer services to cater to every business. If you want to find out more about these amazing machines, how they work and the benefit of utilising professional imagery, Asset Factory will provide a FREE 1 hour consultation that includes a demo and best practice advice on what works for online imagery.
To find out more visit