journal > Magento
Set up a Magento store for New Zealand
August 12, 2020

Magento is a robust E-commerce platform that comes with a lot of configuration options so sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming for new store owners or developers to set it up correctly. We will walk through the 3 things that we need to do to set up the Magento store specifically for New Zealand.
1. Set up system configurations for New Zealand
System > Configuration > General
Countries Options
Default Country = New Zealand
Allow Countries = Select all countries that you sell your product to
Locale Options
TimeZone = New Zealand Standard Time (Pacific/Auckland)
Locale = English(New Zealand)
System > Configuration > Currency Setup
Currency Options
Base Currency = New Zealand Dollar
Default Display Currency = New Zealand Dollar
Allowed Currencies = Select New Zealand Dollar
System > Configuration > Shipping Settings
Country = New Zealand
System > Configuration > Tax
Tax Classes
Tax Class for Shipping = Taxable Goods
Calculation Settings
Tax Calculation Method Based On = Total
Tax Calculation Based on = Shipping Address
Catalog Prices = Including Tax (this means the product price you entered in Magento backend includes tax)
Shipping Prices = Including Tax
Apply Discount On Prices = Including Tax
Apply Tax On = Custom Price if available
Enable Cross Border Trade = Yes (this means if someone buys your products from overseas instead of deducting the GST amount from the sale price, GST will be calculated as 0 while the sale price is kept at the same)
Default Tax Destination Calculation
Default Country = New Zealand
Default State = *
Default Post Code = *
Price Display Settings
Display Product Prices in Catalog = Including Tax
Display Shipping Prices = Including Tax
Shopping Cart Display Settings
Display Prices = Including Tax
Display Subtotal = Including Tax
Display Shipping Amount = Including Tax
Include Tax In Grand Total = No
Display Full Tax Summary = No
Display Zero Tax Subtotal = No
Orders,Invoices,Credit Memos Display Settings
Display Prices = Including Tax
Display Subtotal = Including Tax
Display Shipping Amount = Including Tax
Include Tax in Grand Total = No
Display Full Tax Summary = No
Display Zero Tax Subtotal = No
2. Set up New Zealand tax rates and rules (GST)
Sales > Tax > Manage Tax Zones & Rates
Click on Add New Tax Rate
Tax Identifier = gst
Country = New Zealand
State = *
Zip/Post is Range = No
Zip/Post Code = *
Rate Percent = 15
Typically a shop in New Zealand will only charge one type of tax (GST) to its customers, so you will first need to remove all other tax rates.
Sales > Tax > Manage Tax Rules
Click on “Add New Tax Rule”
Name = GST
Customer Tax Class = Select all
Product Tax Class = Select all
Tax Rate = gst <- the one we just created
Again, you will need to remove all other tax rules
3. Rename the word “Tax” To “GST” for display
We can achieve this by using the translation feature that comes with Magento. To modify the translation, go to app/locale under your Magento directory and create a folder called en_NZ. copy the file Mage_Sales.csv from the app/locale/en_US folder into the en_NZ folder. Open the file and identify the line with content : “Tax”,”Tax” Change the second “Tax” to “GST”
After this you will need to clear the Magento translation cache. To do this go to System > Cache Management, tick Translations then click on submit.

Ecommerce / Magento / Shopify